General Data Protection Regulation - Personal Data Processing at Micro Art Studio

Data admin and contact

Data admin is Sebastian Makowski, Al. Zwyciestwa 96/98, 81-451 Gdynia, Poland. You can contact us by sending an e-mail to

Purpose of processing personal data

  • E-mail address, name and surname - to be able to contact you provide you our products and services

  • Postal address - to be able to send you the products.

  • Providing services and selling products

  • Marketing – to notify you of our new products.

  • Complaints etc - if anything is amiss we need to be able to track our communication.

Time the data will be processed and stored for

  • Your data will be processed for the time necessary to complete the service ordered, and afterwards for the time required by fiscal law, or until you revoke your agreement for data processing

Other parties that will have access to some of your data

Your postal address and phone number will be disclosed for the sole purpose of posting you the finished work to: Micro Art Studio employees, and deliver services: UPS, FedEx or Poczta Polska.

Your rights regarding your data

You have the right to access your data and correct it, also to remove the data or restrict its processing. You may revoke your agreement for data processing but it has no effect on lawfulness any processing done prior to the revokement.